The Catapult's history:
Catapult is a mechanism of encirclement that the functionality launch objects
to large distances. The model of catapult Trebuchet, was the successor of
Onagro model, that received this name because of the ricochets made to launch
the projectiles. The Onagro used braided cords for doing energy of launch, the
launcher stayed lock in the middle of this cords that been twisted, and when
was released, launched the projectiles that stayed in extremity of this
launcher, achieving launch stones with 30Kg, but don’t inflict damage in walls
at a distance of 160m, because of the big energy wasted in the ricochets that
it doing to shoot.
Catapult Trebuchet has Chinese’s source and been introduced in Europe for the
Mediterranean’s east by the Arabs in the end of 6th century. With
the invasions of Muslins, it was taken to the rest of Europe, replacing more
old catapults because it’s incomparable destruction power. Early in it was
called Pierrière(used the human power with aid), it was able to launch
projectiles three to six times more than
the model Onagro.
actuation type already gave a big differential in relation to others catapults,
even with its operation with human force. But with the came the middle Ages,
the engineers of this season succeeded the most potential of this mechanism,
when utilized the gravity force in their favor, and building the catapult
Trebuchet with a counterweight pensile. With a load much greater than
projectiles, this new model could launch objects to much greater distances and
causing more damage in its target, now the objects launched acquired greater
heights, gaining more potential energy.
operation of catapult Trebuchet is very simple, consists of a large lever arm
with a type of leather bag on one extremity , where put the projectiles, while
on other extremity stayed the counterweight, which was raised. Blocked the
mechanism and when been released, the counterweight down in speed, raising the
other extremity making the launch.
The counterweight
was initially locked on lever arm, but with improvement of system realized a
gain of efficiency if the counterweight stayed in drop box, that revolved free
in shoot time. With this improvement, stayed finish the famous catapult